Slings. I’ve heard them referred to often, but never quite knew what they were or why they were important. I understood that they were anatomically determined lines within the body, but in a structure that is fully connected, it didn’t… Read more ›
Cecily Milne is the mind behind yoga detour, movement education that encourages the yoga population to go beyond ‘nailing poses’. She immediately reminded me of Marlo Fisken – a “pole person” who’s actual draw is that she is a brilliant… Read more ›
The following is a glimpse into the mind of Nicole Uno (IG @unotraining). Rotational Organization allows for the simultaneous existence between contract and relax. Thoroughly simplified, consider two gears. There is an impetus of force and a corresponding area… Read more ›
Pushups are meant to be a ‘moving plank’. They are just as much a core and scapular control exercise as a chest builder. They are hard to do correctly. They’re supposed to be. Hand Positioning Thumbs to armpits. Fingers forward.… Read more ›